Thursday, September 30, 2004

Boring political post

So Kerry finally tried explain his notorious "I actually voted for it -- before I voted against it" comment regarding the 87 billion Iraq appropriation -- no doubt recently seen in a GOP ad near you. And while explaining it.. Okay, for those of you who don't know, he tried to get Bush to tie the appropriation to higher taxes on rich Americans, which Bush refused, so Kerry voted against it as a protest, knowing full well it would pass. It wasn't the most eloquent vote, and his later comment about it even less so, but he yesterday tried to explain the vote, and mentioned that it'd been late and he'd been tired when he'd made the "voted for it before I voted against it" comment.

Lo and behold, on CNN this morning, a ridiculous "gotcha" moment: Jack Cafferty says, In fact, the comment was made IN THE AFTERNOON, not the evening -- so that was a HUGE MISTAKE. But does Cafferty show anything of what Kerry actually said, or even report on it -- no, that'd be too difficult. Ladies and gentlemen... this election is a crock, and the establishment media (that means YOU, cable news shows) are to blame.

Okay, back to sex with Carol Kane.


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