Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Et In Bloggo Ego

Now that the blogging train has left the station, I've decided to blog. I'm standing on the platform. Hello? Hello? Is there a schedule around here?

I should explain that I daily receive hundreds, maybe thousands, of requests for my blog. They come on postcards, in e-mails, in letters and and rocks thrown through my window. "Where's your damn blog, Jabes?" [Enough about the blog. - Ed.]

Anyway, welcome to Fear of Jazz (henceforth inconsistently referred to as FOJ). What is Fear of Jazz? Fear of Jazz is a spoon in a cup on a windowsill next to a cat that has recently exploded. It's the sound of a car alarm on a cereal box in a cartoon that people in Japan watch hardly ever. It's a carnation under a bridge in the drawing by a cute kid arrested for being annoying.